April 2019 — July 2019

Does My Bomb Look Big In This?

by Nyla Levy, directed by Mingyu Lin

Tamasha and Nyla Levy present

Yasmin Sheikh feels torn in the city she used to call home, but Aisha sees a different London to her best friend. When Yasmin suddenly disappears to Syria, Aisha embarks on a mission to uncover the truth and decide whether there is any hope in Yasmin’s new-found world.

With fierce wit and disarming honesty, DOES MY BOMB LOOK BIG IN THIS? cleverly unveils a human story behind the headlines and questions how close or far we are from multicultural harmony.

First conceived in 2016 after being cast in roles as a ‘jihadi bride’ or ‘terrorist girlfriend’ and generally dissatisfied with the narrative being told, Nyla Levy ran research workshops with school children and interviewed Muslim community leaders as well as terrorism defence solicitor Tasnime Akunjee. The result voices the complexities of the choices made by disaffected youth, their vulnerability, and how the decisions made can change lives, communities and countries forever.

Nyla Levy in The Observer ‘I pieced together what I knew of girls who have gone to Syria’

Does My Bomb Look Big In This? playwright Nyla Levy on exploring the grooming of Western schoolgirls by Isis in The i Paper

Supported by:

Amal (a Saïd Foundation programme)

Royal Victoria Hall Foundation

With special thanks to Ben Adler, Mitch Polley, Subi & Simon North, Al & Dags Polley, Ben Bardon, Irvine Naqvi, Fadia Qaraman, Zaynab Zangie, Natalie Abizadeh, and Samir A, for donating via Indiegogo.

Running time: approximately 80 minutes
Age guidance 14+ (contains strong language)


Supported by


Tara Arts

London, SW18

30 Apr — 04 May

Avenue Centre

Luton, LU1

14 May

Whitefield School, Barnet

London, NW2

15 May

South Street

Reading RG1

16 May

Elstree UTC

Borehamwood, WD6

17 May

Soho Theatre

London, W1D

21 May — 08 Jun

The Compton School, North Finchley

London, N12

10 Jun

Luton Libraries

Luton, LU1

11 Jun

Goldaming School


12 Jun

St James's Church of England High School

Bolton, BL4 9RU

13 Jun

London Academy of Excellence

London, E15

01 Jul

Chorlton High School

Manchester, M21

02 Jul

Bradford Academy

Bradford, BD4

04 Jul

Jewellery Quarter Academy

Birmingham, B1

05 Jul

Creative and Technical Team

Writer Nyla Levy

Director Mingyu Lin

Producer (for Tamasha) Debo Adebayo

Design Consultant Moi Tran

Lighting Designer Tanya Stephenson

Sound Designer Conrad Kira

Movement Director Rachael Nanyonjo

Dramaturg Sudha Bhuchar

Design Assistant Erin Guan

Trainee Assistant Director Tian Brown-Sampson

Costume Assistant Ndea Lawrence

Production Stage Manager Miranda Paraskeva


Halema Hussain


Nyla Levy


Eleanor Williams

Morgan / Actor 3

"Fierce. One that really must be seen."

  • The Guardian

"Inventive theatre"

  • everything theatre

"Provocative, creative and a joy to watch"

  • The Spy in the Stalls

"A powerful piece of theatre"

  • The Upcoming

Power of Persuasion

A package of PHSE resources for secondary schools produced by Tamasha, in collaboration with Bloomsbury and sponsored by Amal. It uses the world and characters from DOES MY BOMB LOOK BIG IN THIS? to explore the subject of internet safety.

Discover more